
Biblical Teaching. Real-Life Application.

Classes are how we grow.  It can be hard to find a place that helps us grow, or a book that we can trust.  That's why at City Hope Church we want to make sure you have the resources to grow with and from people in community.  Not only do we learn, but we can create community that can be relied on throughout the weeks and months ahead.  Classes are the place to start.

Classes for You

Men | 10:45am

Women | 10:45am

No matter what life stage you are in, our men’s equipping opportunities will encourage you to be the man God has called you to be.
Our goal is to help women become fully devoted followers of Christ and to allow God's Word to inspire them to love, learn, and lead.

Youth | 9:15am

We strive to provide a place where every student belongs, and believes. Our heart is for our students and we want to connect them to a living and loving Savior.

Junior Bible Quiz (JBQ) | 9:15am

JBQ helps children in Kindergarten through 6th grade begin to develop a love for the Bible and an understanding of its basic truths.

Traditional Bible Study 1 | 9:15am

Topical Bible Study | 9:15am

Traditional Bible Study 2 | 10:45am

A traditional Sunday school class.
Sunday school class studying
books of the Bible & current events.
A traditional Sunday school class.

Contact Us

Let us know you are interested in a class and we can get you connnected!